What we do Land remediation

Land remediation

Completion of an appropriate site investigation will enable the formulation of a robust Conceptual Site Model, which considers plausible pollutant linkages. Where plausible pathways between actual contaminant sources and potential receptors are identified, remediation will be required, either treatment/removal of the source, or “breakage” of the pathway.

  • Isolation beneath cover
  • Ex-situ bioremediation
  • Soil washing
  • Solidification or stabilisation
  • Recovery of coarse fraction
  • Soil vapour extraction
  • Excavation & disposal

In addition, Lithos also consider the need for ground improvement, and\or the earthworks necessary to create a platform on which development can commence. Choice of the most appropriate remediation option(s) is influenced by:

(a) The Conceptual Ground Model, including:

  • Geology, hydrogeology, proximity to watercourses etc
  • Volume and distribution of soil requiring remediation
  • Nature (eg gravely or clayey) of soil requiring remediation
  • Nature of the contaminants – the “mixture”, mobility, volatility, and resistance to degradation

(b) Classification of the soil for the purposes of disposal to landfill:

  • Site’s size – area available for remediation activities
  • Site’s location – consideration of odour, dust and noise associated with remediation activities
  • Redevelopment proposals
  • Estimated costs and timescale associated with the proposed remediation technique
  • Degree of confidence/certainty in proposed remediation technique
  • Views of the Local Authority

Remediation options for contaminated soils include:

  • Isolation beneath cover
  • Ex-situ bioremediation
  • Soil washing
  • Solidification or stabilisation
  • Recovery of coarse fraction
  • Soil vapour extraction
  • Excavation & disposal

And for contaminated groundwaters include:

  • Pump & treat
  • Chemical oxidation
  • Dual-Phase Vacuum Extraction (DVE)
  • Bioremediation
  • Attenuation monitoring

Once a specific development scheme has been decided, we can prepare a Remediation Strategy Report, for submission to the Local Planning Authority.

A Remediation Strategy outlines the remediation objectives necessary to protect environmental receptors, and render a site suitable for the proposed end use.

The Remediation Strategy will include site-specific clean-up criteria for contaminants of concern; the latter such criteria are usually derived by Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA).

Lithos can supervise remediation works, and on satisfactory completion will prepare a Verification Report to stand as certification that works have been carried out in accordance with the approved Strategy.  The Verification Report also provides recommendations with respect to:

  • Foundation solution(s)
  • Gas measures
  • Placement of soil cover
  • Handling and management of excavation arisings generated during construction